Keywords AI automatically logs all LLM requests when using Keywords AI’s API.

By clicking on an entry, a side panel opens up, revealing a detailed view of the request and response objects. You can see Metadata, Request/Response content, and Evaluation results in it.

Debug requests in LLM playground

You can debug requests in the LLM playground by clicking on the Open in playground button on the side panel or just pressing P. This will open the request to our playground, where you can debug the request and see the response in real-time.


Check it out on our Logs page

Filter by custom metadata

You can also filter by custom metadata columns on the Dashboard and the Logs page.
See how to send metadata to Keywords AI here: Custom Metadata


Export logs

You can export your logs to CSV or JSON for external analysis by clicking the Export button on the top right corner of the log table.

Create a golden dataset

You can also filter the logs by applying filters and handpick your logs to create a golden dataset. After you have selected the logs, click the Create dataset button and push it to our dataset page to create a dataset.

Share logs with your team

You could share a log with your team by clicking the link icon on the side panel or pressing C. This will generate a link that you can share with your team to view the log.