The users page helps you keep track of your users. You can tag each of your API calls with a customer_identifier and we will keep track of the usage of each of your users.

We keep track of each user’s behavior with the following metrics:

  • Last active time, when the user last made an API call
  • Active for, how long the user has been active in days
  • Requests, the number of API calls the user has made
  • Tokens, the number of tokens the user has used

After making an API call with customer_identifier, specified, you can see the aggregated data of each users:


Prerequisite: You have made your first API call

  1. Add the customer_identifier to your API call
+  "customer_identifier": "user_123"
  1. Call the function with the customer_identifier specified
  1. Go to the users page and you will see the user’s data being logged
  1. You are all set! You can now keep track of your users’ usage and behavior.