What is Keywords AI?

Keywords AI makes it easy for developers to build LLM applications. With 2 lines of code, developers get a complete DevOps platform that speeds up deploying & monitoring AI apps in production.

What can I use Keywords AI for?

Developers use Keywords AI to:

  • Access 200+ best-in-class models through our unified LLM API.
  • Monitor LLM applications with detailed performance metrics and usage data.
  • Test prompts across different models and compare their responses.
  • Evaluate AI performance based on built-in or custom metrics.

Getting started

You can start using Keywords AI in 2 ways:

  • Unified LLM API:
    • Leverage 200+ best-in-class models with a single API.
    • Compatible with OpenAI, Anthropic, LangChain, and other mainstream SDKs.
    • Guarantee your LLM applications’s uptime with fallback models.
    • Enhance LLM rate limits and reliability with load balancing.
  • Aysnc Logging:
    • Integration time < 5 minutes.
    • 0 latency impact on your application.
    • Operates outside the critical path of your application.
    • Get complete observability immediately.

Proxy Integrations

Unified LLM API

LLM monitoring

Prompt testing

Evaluation & improvement

API reference