Benefits of LLM proxy:

  • Call over 200 LLMs using the same format.
  • Gain comprehensive observability of your LLM applications.
  • Ensure your LLM applications become more scalable and reliable.


  • May not be suitable for applications with strict latency requirements (100 - 300ms added).
  • May not be ideal for those who do not want to integrate a third-party service into the core of their application.


Create an account

Go to Keywords AI’s sign up page to create an account. You can use your email or Google account to sign up.

Create an API key

To create an API key, visit the API key page

  • Name your API key for future reference
  • Pick an environment (test or production)
  • Click the View code button to copy the code into your codebase

The API key will show up only once, Be careful and save it somewhere safe!

Add credentials

For the Free plan users, you have to use your own credentials to call LLMs. See how to add your credentials here.

Dashboard Page

Try Keywords AI with the OpenAI SDK

**Install the OpenAI SDK **

pip install openai 

Try Keywords AI with a standard API call

  • URL change: Modify the API endpoint URL in your code from OpenAI’s URL to the Keywords AI endpoint URL:
  • API key: Replace the OpenAI API key with your Keywords AI API key.
  • Parameters: See supported parameters in the API reference.


The results should be printed in the console.

  "id": "chatcmpl-8Ygj0WAGNhHBFjatPCefcPeNi12ct",
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": { "content": "Hello World", "role": "assistant" }
  "created": 1703230636,
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "system_fingerprint": null,
  "usage": { "completion_tokens": 2, "prompt_tokens": 12, "total_tokens": 14 },
  "_response_ms": 653.2679999999999

Congratulations! You have finished the “Hello World” tutorial for Keywords AI API