What is an API Key?

An API key is a unique identifier used primarily for authentication and access control in software applications. It acts like a passcode that allows your application to communicate with an API (Application Programming Interface). By providing an API key with your requests, the API can verify your identity or the identity of your application and ensure you have the necessary permissions to use the API’s services. This is crucial for maintaining security, preventing unauthorized access, and tracking API usage. In essence, an API key is a way to let the API know that the request it’s receiving is coming from a trusted source.

The Keywords AI API Key

The Keywords AI API key is a 32-character string encoded by a non-reversible hashing algorithm (SHA256) with an 8-character prefix. Instead of storing the key itself, we only store the hased key into our database to authenticate your requests.

Get an API Key

To procure your API key, navigate to your API Keys page on the platform.

Careful!!! API keys are secret and should not be shared publicly. Do not include your API key in your source code or client-side JavaScript. If you believe your API key has been compromised, revoke it and replace it with a new one.

Configure Your Key

You can always go back to API Keys page and click on the ”…” button on the key you want to to update your key.

Here are some parameters for your API key:

  • Name, a customized human readable label for your reference to this key
  • Expiry date, defines when your API key will expire, defaults to never expire
  • Preset models, this define what models to route between.
    • The router only routes between the models you pick
    • Attention! If you demand a model that is not in this preset, you will get a 400 bad request error.
  • Rate limit, maximum request per minute (by default)
    • By default, the key will be at the maximum rate limit for your plan, see rate limit
  • Pick a spending limit (optional)

Use the API Key

When you make a request to Keywords AI, you can add the key in the header under the Authorization tab with the keyword “Api Key” (case sensitive).

Lost your API Key?

Unfortunately, the API key will only show once after you generate it. If you have lost your API key, you will have to regenerate your API Keys on the platform.