You can set the budget to the specific user by calling the User Update endpoint or the User Creation endpoint for the new users.

Budget period

  • Set the budget period. If not provided, the period_start will be set to the current date and the period_end will be set based on the period_start + budget_duration.
    "period_start": "2024-03-09",
    "period_end": "2024-04-09"
  • You could also set budget_duration to the user. In this case, you don’t need to set the period_start and period_end, where period_start will be set to the current date and the period_end will be set based on the period_start + budget_duration.
    "budget_duration": "monthly" // "yearly", "monthly", "weekly", "daily

Budget limit

  • Set the period_budget to the user. This will set the limit on the user’s budget for the period.
    "period_budget": 30 //$30