Integration example

Choose a model from the Models Page, then add the model to your payload.

    "model": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620", //example
    // other parameters

Support & Pricing

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We’re trying our best to matching providers’ pricing timely. You can find the pricing details in the Models Page

Available providers and models

Provider NameSupported ModelsLast UpdateProvider ID
OpenAIAllJun 29, 2024openai
Azure OpenAIAllJun 29, 2024azure_openai
AnthropicAllJun 29, 2024anthropic
CohereAllJun 29, 2024cohere
Google Gemini AIAllJun 29, 2024google_gemini_ai
Google Vertex AIAllJun 29, 2024google_vertex_ai
OpenRouterAllJun 29, 2024openrouter
Together AIAllJun 29, 2024togetherai
Perplexity AIAllJun 29, 2024perplexity
GroqAllJun 29, 2024groq
AWS BedrockAllJun 29, 2024bedrock