Quick start:


Install extension

Install BAML extension in VS code. create a .baml file (e.g., test.baml) and get started!


Initialize a Keywords AI client

Initialize a Keywords AI client in BAML by switching the base URL and adding the KEYWORDSAI_API_KEY in the environmental variable. Learn how to create a Keywords AI API key here.

client<llm> KeywordsAI {
  provider openai

  options {
    model gpt-4o
    api_key env.KEYWORDSAI_API_KEY
    base_url "https://api.keywordsai.co/api"

Use the client and get LLM observability

This is an official example from BAML

// This is a BAML file, which extends the Jinja2 templating language to write LLM functions.
// Run a test to see how it works!

// https://docs.boundaryml.com

// We want the LLM to extract this info from an image receipt
class Receipt {
  establishment_name string
  date string @description("ISO8601 formatted date")
  total int @description("The total amount of the receipt")
  currency string
  items Item[] @description("The items on the receipt")

class Item {
  name string
  price float
  quantity int @description("If not specified, assume 1")
// This is our LLM function we can call in Python or Typescript
// the receipt can be an image OR text here!
function ExtractReceipt(receipt: image | string) -> Receipt {
  // see clients.baml
  client KeywordsAI
  prompt #"
    {# start a user message #}
    {{ _.role("user") }}

    Extract info from this receipt:
    {{ receipt }}

    {# special macro to print the output schema instructions. #}
    {{ ctx.output_format }}

// Test when the input is an image
test ImageReceiptTest {
  functions [ExtractReceipt]
  args {
    receipt { url "https://i.redd.it/adzt4bz4llfc1.jpeg"}

// Test when the input is a string
test StarbucksTextReceiptTest {
  functions [ExtractReceipt]
  args {
    // use #""# for multi-line strings
    receipt #"
      Date: 2022-01-01
      Total: $5.00 USD
      - Coffee
        - $2.50
        - 1
      - Croissant
        - $2.50
        - 1


Test & monitor

After you have the code, cmd+shift+p > BAML: Open in Playground and run your tests. You can also monitor your LLM performance in the Keywords AI dashboard. Sign up here: https://www.keywordsai.co